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Number of successfully completed orders in 2025

Welcome at "InfoTip Repair-Tracking-Service" RTS

InfoTip proudly presents InfoTip RTS, the first vendor independent online logistic- and information service, where subscribed dealers of consumer electronics can register and track their repairs.

means Repair Tracking System
Coordination, handling and tracking of service and repair business cases can be handled centrally using one common platform.

RTS is structured as a vendor independent online logistic- and information platform.

The using and subscription at InfoTip-RTS is free of charge.

Your personal benefits at a glance:

  • All information of each manufacturer regarding special services or handlings for each single product is implemented and will be displayed.
  • Type in product data and you get the correct service information regarding this product.
  • If a pick up order is created, you get the correct delivery notes on your PC.

Time lag or additional work because of wrong routings belongs to the past.

First access to InfoTip-RTS is available the first day after your registration.

Your InfoTip RTS team